Friday, January 27, 2012

And then there were THREE?!

I realize that this post is LONG over due but if you have children you understand that the first few weeks are crazy! Hey at least I'm doing this at all you know :)

I never got to experience the whole going into labor and rushing to the hospital thing. Still not sure if thats a good thing or not. We had hour 41 week doctor appointment on December 29th. We went in just thinking that they were going to check me and then we would be on our way to waiting some more for our little guy to want to show up. That is not at all how things went. 

We didn't actually see Dr. Glenn when we went to our appointment. We saw one of the other doctors that works there. After she finished checking me she started talking to us about inducing and if Dr. Glenn had said anything about it to us. We told her that we had talked about but only once or twice. She told us that she was going to call him and ask him what he thinks about it and call us and see what he wants to do. We left and went on with our day running errands and things. 

While we were at Macey's returning some groceries we didn't end up needing I got a call from the doctor. She asked me if I wanted to have a baby tomorrow.... TOMORROW??!! What did she mean tomorrow.. I was in totally shock but was able to answer with a .. "Sure" 

After this conversation I called my mom and asked her if she wanted to me a grandma tomorrow... Then went on to call my siblings and inform them of what was going on. The nice thing about being induced was that I was able to call my family who are in Georgia and give them time to fly out here to Utah to be with us. Sadly my dad had just left on a trip to Spain the day before and wouldn't be back in the states till the 31st.. This was hard for me because I consider my dad and I very close and to have such a big event happen and him not be able to share it with me made me very sad. Luckily he would be able to fly out and be there to meet him soon after he was born. 

Another plus to being induced was that we had the rest of the day to prepare.. We cleaned the apartment got all the bags packed and were able to enjoy our last meal as a family of two. 

On December 30th we got a call at 8:00 am saying there was a room ready for us at the hospital. Now the funny thing was that I thought I was going to have the hardest time sleeping that night, but Taylor and I got in bed at about midnight and I was out within seconds and sleep through the night with no problems and was actually fast asleep when the hospital called. Anyways back to the story. After they called I woke my mom and sister up and started to get dressed to leave for the hospital. As I'm in the process of putting my pants on my mom says, "Janie aren't you going to shower??" Of course I was going to shower.. I was just putting my pants on the walk into the bathroom!! So from there I went to take a shower.. as planned ;) 

We got to the hospital at about 8:30am and they had everything rolling at about 9:00am. The process was pretty slow since we were starting at a dilation of 1 and we had to get to 10. So there was a lot of just hanging out.
Emma resting up
Taylor playing with the baby stuff
and me looking my very best :)
The contractions started pretty quick after we got there. I was pretty proud of myself and handling the pain. After a few hours I decided to get some pain medicine through my IV. This made everything so wonderful. Taylor says that minute I got the medicine I was a whole different person. I was talking at about 100 words a second and wouldn't shut up. I was just very happy and excited to be there :)

Now during my long wait of getting to this point they were checking me about every hour to see where I was at and how Kristoffer was doing. Kristoffer was actually laying post-terrier which means his head was facing up rather than down which isn't good. If Kristoffer wasn't able to flip on his own or the doctor couldn't flip him I was going to have to get a c-section. So I was really hoping they would be able to flip him because I really didn't want to have a c-section. 

After they broke my water Kristoffer's heart rate started to go down. They weren't really sure why so they had to keep a close eye on that to make sure it didn't go to low or they would have to do an emergency c-section. All in all I had a pretty good chance of getting a c-section which I really didn't want to happen, but would do whatever I needed to do for Kristoffer.

So the labor continued slowly and my pain medicine started to stop working at about 4-6 cm. So I pushed through without any meds till I was at 7 cm and at that point I decided I was ready for the epidural, this was at about 12:00 am. The doctor came in and he was so great. I was so lucky with how smoothly everything went. The doctor was also very funny so it made it nice while I was getting a huge needle stuck in my back. 
Once I got the epidural things started to speed up. I was at about 9 1/2 cm at about 1:00 am. The nurse came to check me about 30 minutes later and she said that Kristoffer had descended really far down and that she could see his HAIR yes she said hair!! My little guy had hair :) All my hair burn had paid off!! She also said that because he was so far down he must of flipped on his own so we were good to go and that it was time to start pushing. 

Once I started pushing things went pretty fast. They called Dr. Glenn in and Kristoffer was delivered about 45 minutes later at 2:10 am. 

Now the funny thing is that Kristoffer ended up coming out post- terrier. They don't know how he descended so far still being post-terrier but he did. Because of this Kristoffer came out with a huge purple bruise on his forehead and I had lost a lot of blood. 

They also found out why his heart rate was dropping. The cord had been rapped around his neck 2 times! I'm so happy that he made it out okay and was a strong health boy :)

The love that I felt for this little guy was just unbelievable. I was sure my heart was going to burst right out of my chest. After the delivery I went into almost a shock mode. I don't really remember what went on but once they put Kristoffer in my arms my whole world just stopped and I felt like there was no one there except him and me. He was the most incredible thing and he was mine. I just looked at him and couldn't stop rubbing his face. He was perfect. I never thought I would be able to do much right let alone create this perfect little person.

We were our own little family. Taylor, me, and Kristoffer and I couldn't have been any happier. 

Taylor was so wonderful through the whole thing and it was so great to watch him hold him. My two guys together. I couldn't ask for a better picture. I was just in awe with the little guy and to watch Taylor with him was just amazing. 


We had the perfect ending to a perfect story.. but really it was only the beginning!

Till Next Time!

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, LOVE your story! It is seriously the most amazing feeling in the world finally holding your little one. He is beautiful and we're so glad you're both doing well!
